If you’re planning to relocate to Maine, let us do the heavy lifting!
Whether you’re seeking to relocate locally or outside the area, ERA Dawson-Bradford can provide you with comprehensive relocation assistance and information, both in Maine and nationwide.
ERA Dawson-Bradford is affiliated with the largest global broker network, Cartus Broker Network, allowing us to assist you locally, or anywhere else in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, and beyond. Together with Cartus, our relocation services provide you access to hundreds of the nation’s top real estate brokerage firms, quality & experienced brokers, and our assistance and support during the buying, selling, and moving process.
To learn more about ERA Dawson-Bradford’s relocation services, call 800-649-4178 or email staff@eradawson.com to connect with one of our relocation specialists.
Preparing for relocation to Maine? Here’s information about our other one-stop services:
The Dawson Difference in Relocation
EXPERT REPRESENTATION You’ll receive expert relocation counseling from our full-time, in-house department of specially trained and certified REALTORS®.
NATIONAL ACCESS Our preferred broker relationship with Cartus Broker Network and other relocation companies puts you in touch with the largest selection of results-oriented services.
HOME-FINDING SERVICES We offer the most comprehensive home-finding services in New England, bar none.
PERSONAL SERVICE Your ERA Dawson Bradford REALTOR® will not only help you with your New England relocation, he or she also provides (or arranges for) prompt mortgage counseling, fair and accurate property evaluation with a marketing plan, and a relocation information package anywhere in the U.S. with cost comparison analysis.
To take advantage of our relocation services, contact your ERA Dawson Bradford REALTOR® by calling or email the company’s Relocation Director at staff@eradawson.com.